Charlotte Farey

Talent & Operations Assistant

Hi I'm Charlotte, and I work a as part of the Talent and Operations team here at SoCode.

What lead you to Socode?

After graduating from my master’s degree from the University of East Anglia last year in Broadcast and Digital Journalism I wanted to utilise my essential skills gained on the course without pursuing the journalist industry as it wasn’t right for me. I loved the process of scouting for potential interviewees for news stories. I enjoyed helping people discuss their specialisms, needs, and how I could help bring this information to light. These transferable skills lead me to pursing talent acquisition, and helped utilise my ability to connect, and find people their perfect role within the company.

I am very excited to start my journey in the industry and am grateful to the team for making this process so smooth.


Where would we find you outside of work?

I love to experience and try new things. Last year I participated in a charity skydive to overcome my fear of heights, and riase money for a Breast Cancer Awareness charity. I also love to travel, and spend my weekends exploring new places or going to events.