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National Engineering Day

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National Engineering Day

​Today the 2nd November is National Engineering Day!

Engineering is a part of our daily lives and sometimes we don’t realise it or see it. Engineers are shaping the world around us… in healthcare, transport, entertainment, food and drink, energy, the environment and even things you didn’t realise were engineered like that Halloween scene for trick or treaters you enjoyed just a couple of days ago. 

Are you thinking about a career or a new challenge here are some of the ways engineering can benefit your future:

You’ll always be learning and creating

An engineering job will fulfil all those desires of not wanting to end up in a ‘dead end job’. While it takes patience and hard work (You can’t build a surgical robot overnight), you’ll constantly be learning new skills to but into practice along the way. 

Career Success

Whichever sector you choose to take an engineering career, it will set you up for a good career. The skills you learn, such as critical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving, are exactly what top employers look for in their candidates. 

Good Salary

Although money should not be the sole reason to pursue a role, it is certainly an important factor especially in the current cost of living climate. The average entry level mechanical engineer is paid £30,000 a year and the average salary for a chartered engineer is £60,000. Download our free salary guide to see the salary of your ideal position.

You will be in high demand

The Royal Academy of Engineering recently revealed that the UK had a shortfall of around 1.8million engineers. It dreams there are not enough people choosing to pursue engineering.

You will impact the world around you

In any engineering role you will have the opportunity to make a positive impact, because engineering involves making things better, whether it’s creating user-friendly software that saves people time or building a safer road to prevent traffic accidents. It is a widely fulfilling profession that allows you to say you have improved something in the world around you. 

If you're looking for a new challenge, get in touch with our engineering specialist consultants today.

Happy National Engineering Day!

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